State-of-the-art Practices Being Reported by the PRME Champions Group: a reference to advance education for sustainable development


  • MPGC

Área de conhecimento: 

  • Sustentabilidade


  • Mariana Reis de Assumpção Ghizzi




This study aims to offer a diagnostic of the 'state-of-the-art' practices being reported throughout the Sharing Information Process (SIP) by the Champions Group, a group of schools that are signatories of the Principles of Responsible Management Education (PRME, a United Nations Global Compact initiative), committed to spearheading transformational change toward more socially and environmentally responsible leadership. The study also suggests an analytical model - based on qualitative research and documentary analysis – to define the study sample, investigate data, identify patterns, organise and codify a large amount of information within all reports searched. The analytical model represents a framework in which the result is a collection of practices being reported, functioning as a useful guide and practical reference for higher educational institutions – signatory or otherwise – when promoting or advancing transformational change in their business model. The framework could also be valuable for Graduate Schools – or even Primary Schools to High Schools – considering the urgency of the 2030 Agenda, especially its 4.7 target, referred to as 'An education for sustainable development and global citizenship'.

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