A Study of Brazilian Green Innovation and its Impact on Financial Performance


  • MPA

Área de conhecimento: 

  • Sustentabilidade


  • Juan Carlos Lin




The aim of this study is to examine the links between developed environmental innovations and its impact on the financial performance of Brazilian manufacturing industries. This affects how firms choose their technological resources in market competition, and slowly affects society’s sustainable development. It seeks answers to the question: Do Brazilian manufacturing firms that choose a green line of innovation perform financially different – compared to firms operating with conventional innovative strategies? Using multiple linear regression, from empirical data, it shows the impact of using innovative green technology on organizational financial results. The empirical evidence is based on the dataset gathered from 4545 Brazilian companies by Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatistica (IBGE) from the Pesquisa de Inovação Tecnologica (PINTEC) and the Pesquisa industrial Anual (PIA) survey. Brazilian firms which have developed one or more environmental or traditional innovations, evidencing its impact over material reduction(MR), energy reduction(ER) water reduction(WR) and environmental impact(waste and pollution) reduction(EIR). The data cover 3 years from 2011 to 2014 and focus on firms which have developed one or more innovations, showing its impact on WR, MT, ER and EIR and the effect on the Superior Financial Performance (SFP) of the firms. SFP is a composition of Superior Sales Growth(SSG) and Superior profitability(SP). Descriptive statistic and regression were perform with the intent to determinate first, the prevalence of each type of Green Innovation (GI), in the Brazilian manufacturing industry and second, how each affects financial performance. Result shows that only innovation related to WR have a positive relation with SSG (foreign controlled companies) but not in all manufacturing industry. Showing that most GI implemented by Brazilian manufacturing firm are inefficient. Other type of GI do not affect financial performance, in the manufacturing industry or in foreign controlled manufacturing companies. This study hopes to provide three contributions to academic literature. First, to deepen the existing knowledge of how environmental innovations are associated with financial performance. Second, to demonstrate how financial performance can be enhanced along successful innovation processes. Furthermore, the aim is to propose a practical contribution by giving a clearer roadmap of the sustainable technology choices, as well as bringing forth an environmental discussion about strategical choices. And last but not least, to confirm the importance of environmental technology, enabling a public and private united effort to further a sustainable development.

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