O Efeito da Pressão para Comprar na Percepção de Justiça do Consumidor em Contexto de Venda Direta


  • CMAE

Área de conhecimento: 

  • Estratégias de Marketing


  • Manoela Sabbadin Begas




The main objective of this study was to investigate the effect of perception of pressure to buy in the perception of consumer justice in direct sales. In addition, it also sought an approximation/friendship between salespeople and consumers influencing the perceived pressure effect on consumer perception of justice, as well as whether emotions (positive versus negative) mediate a relationship between a perception of justice and behavior (intent of repurchase and word-of-mouth) from salespeople. A quantitative study was carried out through a survey of 411 direct selling custom ers, and the data were analyzed by structural equation modeling (SEM). The results showed that consumers do not feel pressured by resellers, so a perception of fairness perceived by consumers has been high and has led them to the intentions of positive repurchase and buzz behavior in relation to the salespeople. Proximity/friendship between consumers and salespeople increased a perception of consumer justice, and only as positive emotions did they partially mediate a perception of fairness and consumer behavior.

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