Antecedents of E-Loyalty and Electronic Word-of-Mouth


  • MPA

Área de conhecimento: 

  • Estratégias de Marketing


  • Bruno Storchi Bergmann




The main objective of this thesis was to examine the effects between e-loyalty and eWOM. As a secondary objective, the significance of e-loyalty predictors established in prior literature was verified. The subject of research was focused on one type of product/service: online book purchase made in an internet retailer’s (e-tailer’s) website. Two hundred forty two online surveys were completed with respondents from the Millennial generation residing in different locations in Brazil and the United States. The analysis was conducted using PLS-SEM on a research model built based in prior empirical research. While the effects between e-loyalty and eWOM were found to be weak, a high quality eWOM environment was considered a significant predictor of e-loyalty. All predictor variables had significant values, with commitment generating the strongest effect on e-loyalty

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