Rubens Mussolin Massa

Research Field: Entrepreneurship


MASSA, RUBENS; ANDREASSI, TALES; LANA, JEFERSON; LYRA, FRANCIANE. Mental Models and Dynamic Capabilities in a Brazilian Family Company. BBR. Brazilian Business Review (English Ed.), v. 17, p. 293-308, 2020.

MASSA, RUBENS MUSSOLIN; PARTYKA, RAUL BEAL; LANA, JEFERSON. Behavioral agency research and theory: a review and research agenda. Cadernos EBAPE.BR (FGV), v. 18, p. 220-236, 2020.

MASSA, R. M.; ROMANI-DIAS, M.; ROSA, R. A. Tensões Organizacionais como Impulsionadoras de Capacidades Dinâmicas em Organizações Híbridas. Revista Iberoamericana de Estratégia, v. 17, p. 62-75, 2018.


MASSA, R. M. Entrepreneurship in South America. 1. ed. Switzerland: Springer Cham, 2022. v. 1. 350p.