
The role of FGV EAESP Research and Publications is to support and foster the development of the scientific and applied research that is carried out in FGV.

This role is in line with FGV’s mission to advance the frontiers of knowledge in such a way as to collaborate with the socio-economic development of Brazil and its insertion on the international stage.

The main activities undertaken by FGV EAESP Research and Publications are:

  • Proposing and carrying out the directives for fostering research 
  • Coordinating the Research Initiation Program (PIP)
  • Managing financial support for research professors
  • Supporting research professors in their preparation of articles for submission to international periodicals
  • Supporting research professors in their participation in scientific events
  • Helping research professors use funds and external agencies that support research
  • Making research reports and articles that are under development available for consultation
  • Systematizing and providing information about FGV’s scientific research indicators
  • Supporting the performance assessment processes of FGV’s scientific production structures
  • Supporting the editorial and performance evaluation processes of FGV EAESP publications: RAE, CGPC, GV-executive and GV teaching cases.

FGV EAESP Research and Publications team

Prof. Thomaz Wood Jr.: General Coordination

Aline Lilian dos Santos: Editor of GV-executivo and GVcasos

Andréa Cerqueira Souza: Scientific Dissemination

Daniela Mansour Magalhães da Silveira: Academic Support Supervision

Denise Francisco Cândido: RAE and CGPC editorial staff

Eldi Soares: Academic-Administrative Support

Gisele Gaia: Impact Management

Ilda Fontes: Periodical Management and Administration

Juliana dos Anjos Martins: Management of the Research Initiation Program


Telephone: +55 11 3799-7842 / 7719