Victor Eduardo da Motta

Research Field: Finance & Accounting


MOTTA, VICTOR; SHARMA, AMIT. Lending Technologies and Access to Finance for SMEs in the Hospitality Industry. International Journal of Hospitality Management, v. 86, p. 102371, 2020.

 MOTTA, VICTOR. Lack of Access to External Finance and SME Labor Productivity: Does Project Quality Matter? Small Business Ecocomics, v. 54, p. 119-134, 2020.

MOTTA, V. E. The Impact of Local Food Expenditure on School Foodservice Revenues. Journal of School Health, v. 89, p. 722-729, 2019.

SHARMA, AMIT; MOTTA, VICTOR; MARTINEZ, LARRY. Effectiveness of Short Videos to Enhance HACCP Information for Consumers. Journal of Foodservice Business Research, v. 22, p. 549-562, 2019.

MOTTA, VICTOR. Estimating Poisson Pseudo-maximum-likelihood rather than Log-linear Model of a Log-transformed Dependent Variable. RAUSP Management Journal, v. 54, p. 508-518, 2019.

MOTTA, V. E. The Impact of Crime on the Performance of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises: Evidence from the Service and Hospitality Sectors in Latin America. Tourism Economics, p. 135481661665794-1010, 2017.

MOTTA, V. E. Are SMEs in the Hospitality Industry Less Likely to Experience Credit Constraint than other Industries in the Service Sector? Evidence from Latin America. Tourism Economics, p. 135481661769247, 2017.

MOTTA, V. E.; Amit Sharma. Benefits and Transaction Costs of Purchasing Local Foods in School Districts. International Journal of Hospitality Management, v. 55, p. 81-87, 2016.

Amit Sharma; MOTTA, V. E.; CHOI, J.; ALTMAN, N. S. Economic Production in Hospitality and Tourism Industry: How do we Compare to other Services? International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, v. 28, p. 1026-1050, 2016.

Book chapters: 

MOTTA, VICTOR. The Impact of Farm-to-School and Local Food Expenditures on School Foodservice Revenues. In: Amit Sharma. (Org.). Financial Decision-Making in the Foodservice Industry: Economic Costs and Benefits. 1ed.Palm Bay: Apple Academic Press, 2020, v. , p. 151-171.